About Prodeo Orbis Ignis

Prodeo Orbis Ignis is Latin for “Go Forth And Set The World On Fire.”  The company name is the most important thing to know about me. It encapsulates my energy and passion but also captures what I want you to accomplish in achieving your public sector business goals.  

Prodeo Orbis Ignis is a recently established consultancy with a developing network of alliance partners focused on three separate, yet integrated, aspects of your public sector business strategy:

Prodeo Orbis Ignis can help any firm – in a lead or supportive role – that wishes to: 

  • enter or expand its business presence in the public sector

  • establish or grow its mastery of the competencies necessary to grow public sector revenue

  • address and resolve bandwidth issues, for specific needs or opportunities


Go forth and set the world on fire.


“I like to think my expertise was gathered playing the game, getting the uniform dirty. I was never one to sit in the press box, sending down plays. I wanted to be on the field running the offense. If business intelligence was needed, I did the work to find it. If proposals needed improvement, I didn’t make a note in the margin for someone to resolve it at the 11th hour, I grabbed my 5 Hour Energy and put fingers to keyboard. I guess in the end I was a player-coach but it works for me.”

- Paul Buckley

 About Paul Buckley

Paul Buckley has spent his entire career at the intersection of the public and private sectors, working for state government, a multi-billion dollar healthcare non-profit, and three national consulting firms operating in the public sector marketplace.

He has provided the strategy for multiple successful public sector sales motions, conceived and edited numerous proposals worth hundreds of millions of dollars, and directed the activities of tens of lobbyists located all across the country.

Paul resides in the Boston area with his wife MaryBeth, a teacher and author of children’s books. He is an avid Boston sports fan, with a distinctive Boston accent, both of which become readily apparent if you spend any time with him.

He has two adult children. Carley is an Operations Associate at a firm that partners with leading vascular surgeons and interventionalists to deliver better patient outcomes at a lower cost. She is also a part-time professional singer. Ned is pursuing a graduate degree in Accounting Analytics while studying for his CPA exams and working part-time.


How I Can Help

I have spent my entire career working at the intersection of the private and public sectors. I have mastered the three key components of any public sector business strategy – building and executing effective sales motions, writing compelling proposals, and utilizing lobbying strategies when it fits the objective.

I can provide assistance in those three disciplines ala carte or as part of an integrated approach to getting the results you want. It can be either a short- or long-term engagement and it can be done on an hourly, deliverable, or a retainer basis.

Together we can strike the match that lights the candle, the campfire, or a conflagration. However you want to go forth and set the world on fire.
