

Firm A

Initiated first-ever business planning process for practice area now generating over $165 million in annual revenue

Strategized entry into the Affordable Care Act marketplace generating over $100 million in revenue

Led effort to offer marketplace new service offering generating $20 million in first year revenue

Part of team that grew revenue four-fold over six years while also shifting revenue mix

Firm B

Created $50 million sales plan targeting both new and organic growth

Firm E

Promoted benefits and value of company’s expertise in privatizing government services


Firm A

Created first-ever Proposal Center to ensure consistency in processes, standards, and outputs

Firm B

Primary author/editor of 3 volume 450-page proposal worth $46 million in revenue


Firm A

Devised lobbying strategies to protect and grow revenue in 8 states representing $80 million in revenue

Firm C

Managed government affairs professionals across 12 states, protecting and growing $300 million in revenue

Led crisis response to data breach, averting financial and reputational losses

Firm D

Secured legislation in two states promoting value proposition of company’s service offering

Conceived and executed “introduction and education campaigns at two national political conventions

Increased number of executive and legislative branch contacts by a factor of three

Firm E

Experience working with trade groups and state agencies

Developed strategies and materials to address public policies impacting organization