
Proposal Consulting

Prodeo Orbis Ignis can help you address today’s pressing proposal problems as well as tomorrow’s opportunities.  All with an eye to making you better off for having contacted Prodeo.

Prodeo has conceived strategy for, and edited content of, numerous proposals worth hundreds of millions of dollars. Prodeo has experience building Proposal Centers from the ground up, including hiring staff, establishing protocols and processes, and memorializing procedures.

Winning Today

Business Problem Prodeo Solution
Our Bid/No Bid decisions don’t seem to be as disciplined as they need to be.

It takes us too long to figure out exactly the best way to go at a proposal.

Staff default to the easiest, quickest thing to write because their time is stretched doing their day job.

We write compliant proposals but I’m not sure we write compelling proposals.

How do you communicate that value is more important than price?

We always seemed rushed at the end. Part of it is human nature but I wonder if we can’t improve on that.
Prodeo offers a best practice-based protocol for proposal writing, but our differentiator is an ability to apply strategic thinking throughout the entire process. This isn’t rocket science but there is an art to it. See how Prodeo can apply Attitude, Insight, and Discipline (FirstAID)™ to your proposals.

Winning Tomorrow

Business Problem Prodeo Solution
I’m on a losing streak with my proposals.

My win percentage is not what I want it to be.
Prodeo can provide an independent evaluation of recent proposals (with or without evaluators score sheets and commentary), both wins and losses, to provide a detached and unbiased view.
I’m not sure my home-grown, came together over time approach to proposals is still the best way to go.

I’m not ready for a formal in-house proposal center but how do I maximize my resources for writing proposals?
Prodeo can assess your current proposal processes within your company, whatever they may be, and provide a SWOT-like report.
Maybe it is time to move towards a more formal in-house proposal center but how do I stage it and on what timeline?

I do have a proposal center but maybe it’s time for an outside evaluation to make sure it’s everything we need it to be.
Prodeo can design and/or implement a proposal center model that meets your needs and restrictions.